Stolen - 2015 Ford Ranger 3.2 xlt ✓

Date Created: 2020-02-08 | Last Updated: 0000-00-00 | Views: 780
VIN Number ************45594
Registration Number FF26PHGP
Engine Number *******5594
Exterior Colour White
Date Stolen 2020-02-01
From Province Gauteng
Police Case Number 22/2/2020 - Krugersdorp
Last known location Rangeveiw
Datadot ID Info .....


white Ford Ranger 3.2 xlt double cab, there is a bump on the back bottom bumper into the body, the front has some accident damage where paint is chipping off... Was stolen from Simon Bekker drive rangeveiw. Has a kids black and orange bicycle on the back under the tonneau cover, kids booster car seat, a bump on the back and then a little accident damage on the front. It has whiitish/blue day time LED running lights and White LED headlights, inside cabin is also white LED lights....

Last known location