Stolen - 2022 Hyundai H100 Tipper ✓

Date Created: 2023-07-09 | Last Updated: 2023-07-09 | Views: 477
VIN Number ************61959
Registration Number NRB89728
Engine Number *******2390
Exterior Colour White
Date Stolen 2023-07-07
From Province Kwazulu Natal
Police Case Number 114/07/2023 - RichardsBay
Last known location Mtunzini on the July 08th 2023 @6am
Datadot ID Info 1


Hyundai H100 tipper, very unique due to tipper feature, only one in the Richards Bay area. The railing behind the cab is higher than the cab whereas the normal H100 railing is in line with the cab. Also the whole bin is lined with conveyor belt. The vehicle was stolen from Richards Bay Brackenham by 4 armed men, the suspects were driving a white Hyundai I20. We were able to track the bakkie to multiple different places on the 8th of July however it seems like they headed south of Richards Bay on the N2.

Last known location