Stolen - 1998 Nissan Sentra Gxi ✓

Date Created: 2017-06-19 | Last Updated: 0000-00-00 | Views: 843
VIN Number ************46770
Registration Number FYL018GP
Engine Number ******992C
Exterior Colour White
Date Stolen 2017-06-03
From Province Gauteng
Police Case Number 59/62/017_ - Vanderbijlpark
Last known location B8 Maple Court, Conan Doyle Street, Vanderbijlpark SW1
Datadot ID Info


White Nissan Sentr, body paint chipped on a few areas, Rhino poohing sticker stuck at the back on the boot, two tyres on the right have the Nissan mags on, the left side is spare tyres.

Last known location