Stolen - 2007 Volkswagen Polo GTI ✓

Date Created: 2017-06-19 | Last Updated: 2017-06-19 | Views: 643
VIN Number ************15125
Registration Number ZXR489GP
Engine Number *****2032
Exterior Colour Black
Date Stolen 2017-06-19
From Province Gauteng
Police Case Number 000/00/0000 - Brixton
Last known location Cradock Avenue, Rosebank
Datadot ID Info


Car's black with a standard wheel that had extremely deep scratches in it. It's got a bigger downpipe so it doesn't sound standard. 7 inch Phillips double din touch screen radio. Stitch interior. Got cracks on the fog lights. Got a thick scratch on the bumper on the left hand side. Pictures don't wanna upload but if you see anything you can give me a call on 0615378235 and I'll send the pictures to you. ????

Last known location